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The importance of proper ventilation in winter

In the cold months, it is especially important to ventilate properly to ensure a healthy indoor climate and to prevent mold growth. Many people tend to keep windows permanently tilted during the colder seasons to let fresh air into the house. However, this is a fallacy that can lead to several problems.

The problem of permanent tipping

Windows that are permanently tilted open lead to a continuous loss of energy in winter, as the warm air inside constantly escapes to the outside and cold air flows in. This not only increases heating costs, but also creates an uneven indoor climate. In addition, the constant supply of moisture can encourage the formation of mold, especially in corners and behind furniture where air circulation is restricted.

Shock ventilation as an effective alternative

In contrast to constant tilting, shock ventilation is a more efficient and healthier method. Shock ventilation involves opening the windows completely for a few minutes to allow for rapid air exchange. This effectively removes stale, moist air and brings in fresh, dry outside air. It is ideal to ventilate several times a day for around 5 to 10 minutes, especially after getting up, cooking or showering.

Obstacles to ventilation: Objects in front of the window

Decorations and plants on the windowsill can make it difficult to ventilate the room. Often the window is then tilted for convenience, which is not enough to adequately refresh the air in the room. This poor ventilation habit encourages the accumulation of moisture and thus the formation of mold.

The fresh air window sill solves this problem

With the fresh air you can finally ventilate with one hand and your beautiful decoration stays in place. The system consists of just two bent sheet metal parts, four screws and a board to support it. It is also easy to install. It does not need to be drilled or glued - it is simply hung in the frame and can easily carry loads of up to 7 kg thanks to a clever screw connection between the sheet metal part and the wooden board.