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Bene & Lukas

We are two people from Hamburg and together we developed the fresh air window sill while studying in Munich at the beginning of 2023. Our mission is to simplify ventilation. In his role as a passionate inventor, Bene attaches great importance to a long-lasting and well-thought-out product. For Lukas, a first-class customer experience and sustainability are paramount.

Together we are the perfect team :).

The long journey to the final Frischluft window sill.

The Idea

Necessity is the mother of invention.

We love plants, and our window sills are always completely packed with them. Still, it was important for us to fully open the windows for good oxygen exchange and to prevent mold. This became so frustrating that we needed a solution, but how?

The team

Only in a good team can ideas truly flourish.

Lukas and Bene know each other from their studies, despite the fact that one studied business administration (BWL) and the other mechanical engineering. It's the perfect combination for their project.


Many months of product development and dozens of 3D-printed prototypes.

After dozens of 3D printing attempts, we slowly reached our goal: a simple-to-attach floating window sill that anyone can easily hang on any window.

Das Patent

We have submitted the Frischluft window sill for a patent at the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA).

Wir sind stolz auf unsere lange Entwicklung und das ergebniss und haben es deshalb beim Deutschen Patent und Markenamt (DPMA) zum Patent eingereicht.

Das frischluft

So entstand das perfekte bewegliche Fensterbrett

Oft sind Kunden überrascht, wie stabil das frischluft doch ist, obwohl es "nur" eingehängt ist. Das liegt daran, dass es, wie man in der Technik sagt, "formschlüssig" mit dem Fenster verbunden ist; es lässt sich also nach der Installation in keine Richtung mehr abnehmen.

Our partners from Germany

From the very beginning, we have relied on excellent partners from southern Germany for short delivery routes and fair production.

MAS Solutions from Lake Constance

Max and Sarah from MAS Solutions are our close partners when it comes to wooden boards and fulfillment. They also bring expertise in many other areas such as surface coating.

To the website

Production in southern Germany

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